Sunday, July 18, 2010

30 things to do before i hit 30

a repost from multiply. the original was posted there last feb 5, 2008.

my audacious list 8 months before i turned 30. as they say, you have to dream big to achieve lots. the achieve-lots part is the harder part...


i've actually mentioned this in my friendster shoutout. also, they say that for things to happen, you have to write them down so that you'll always see them and commit to fulfill them. so here goes...

1. i love scrapbooking, when i have time. so, update my hard copy photo album
2. complete my savings account quota. i've fallen a little behind on this
3. grow my hair long, but not yet sure if straight and black or curly and colored
4. go out of town or do some cultural thing quarterly
5. learn to drive
6. be active in basa, a group focused on reading workshops
7. exercise regularly (currently, this is done at home with exercise machines)
8. attend a ddi facilitation skills workshop
9. shop for key pieces to complete my wardrobe
10. watch an imax movie at mall of asia
11. read books in my possession that i haven't opened yet
12. enter into financial stuff, like mutual funds or something
13. try a diamond peel or teeth whitening. at least, it's not a tattoo or a piercing
14. family vacation in davao or palawan
15. learn basic korean (conversational and hangul or writing)
16. attend another retreat
17. undergo an executive check-up
18. join mama in her facilitating projects to hone my facilitating skills
19. regularly meet ld people for baga sessions. they're kamustahan venues
20. watch something from the amazing philippine theater
21. reconnect with friends from school or work (especially the ones i've "lost" along the way)
22. augment my income with another racket / business
23. be more open to meeting friends of friends
24. stabilize my monthly pampering treatments (whether spa or salon)
25. re-read the ld manual from my time. do examen
26. donate blood
27. communicate deeper with God
28. go ice-skating
29. be active in the ld faci pool
30. go back to writing thoughts on paper / blogging

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